
Student Loan Portal | How To Apply For Student Loan And Get Approval


Wondering How You’re Going To Pay Your Next School Fee? Student Loan Has Got You Covered. Discover All You Need To Qualify For A Student Loan And Repayment Period. 

Student Loan Portal

Do you know you can now get access to loans even as a student to take of basic students’ needs such as rent, medical, school fees, feeding, etc.? With the recent signing of the student loan bill into law by president Bola Tinubu of Nigeria, 2024, the Nigerian government has taken significant step to expand students access to higher education for students through this affordable financing options.


Are you interested in this information on student Loans portal? keep reading this article to get a comprehensive guide on the student loan portal, including how to apply for a student loan and get approval.

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Types Of Student Loans

A student loan is a type of financial aid that allows students to borrow money from the government to pay for their education-related expenses such as; Tuition fees, living expenses, books and supplies, etc. there are various types of student loans including;

1. Federal Student Loans

This is a government-funded loan with fixed interest rates and flexible repayment terms.

2. State Student Loans

State-funded loans with varying variable interest rates and stricter repayment terms.

3. Private Student Loans

Bank-funded loans with variable interest rate and also stricter repayment terms.


4. Scholarships And Grants

This is a merit-based or need-based funding that does not require any repayments.

What Is Student Loan Portal?

Student loan portal is an online platform that enables students to apply for, manage and repay their student loans. It is a one-stop-shop for students to access various loan options, check their eligibility and track their loan status.

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The Nigerian Education Loan Fund (NELFUND) is a loan initiative program established by the Federal government of Nigeria aimed at providing financial assistance to students pursuing higher education. This program gives hope for all Nigerian student, especially those that struggle to afford to get higher education, meaning all students of Nigeria can now easily get higher education.

Student loan can help bridge the financial gap for students who cannot afford to pay for their education upfront. However, it is important to borrow responsibly and understand the terms and conditions before taking out a loan.

Student Loan Portal

How To Apply For Student Loans?

Follow these steps to apply for your student loans;

  • Visit nelf.gov.ng or portal.nelf.gov.ng
  • Register on the student loan application platform by clicking on the “APPLY NOW” button to get started.
  • Review the eligibility criteria such as age, citizenship, enrollment status and academic progress.
  • Complete your profile.
  • Click on the “REQUEST FOR STUDENT LOAN” button and complete the loan application steps and submit.
  • Indicate if you need upkeep allowance in addition to tuition fees, click continue if all you need is the institutional charge.
  • Agree to terms and condition.
  • After these steps, your application will be reviewed after successful verification, payments will then be made to your intuition for institutional charge, while upkeep loan will be paid to the bank account you provided on your profile.
  • Click “LOANS” button to view your loan status.

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Required Documents To Get Student Loans Approved

In order to get your loans approved, you are required to provide the following documents;

  • Admission letter
  • Student ID
  • Bank Verification Number (BVN)
  • Proof of income for sponsors
  • Academic records
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Hindrances To Getting Student Loans Approved

There are a few things that could hinder students from getting this access to student loans which can be seen in the following;

  • Mistakes during application such as incomplete forms or incorrect information.
  • Guilty of submitting fake/fraudulent documents.
  • Dismissed for exam malpractice by any school authority.
  • Convicted of drug, cult felony or offenses involving living dishonestly.
  • Defaulting on previous student loans.
  • Loans may not be available for certain programs, institution or field of study.
  • Lack of cosigner (if required), if your cosigners has a bad creditworthiness it can also be an hindrance.
  • Sponsors income above ₦500,000 monthly.
  • Non-citizens or non—residents may face additional requirements or restriction.

Benefits Of Student Loan Portal

Here are the benefits of the Nigerian Education Loan Fund for students;

  • No hidden charges, student loans are completely interest free.
  • Easy and fast application that could take 15-30 minutes.
  • It is safe and secure to keep your personal information.
  • Repayments are flexible as the payment of student loans begins two years after NYSC.

Student Loan Repayment and Forgiveness Options

1. Student Loan Repayment

There are various student loan repayment plans including;

  • Standard repayment plan.
  • Graduated plan.
  • Extended or income-driven repayment plans.

2. Forgiveness Options

There are forgiveness options on student loans including;

  • Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF).
  • Teacher Loan Forgiveness or Perkins Loan Cancellation.

Loans can also be discharged but only in cases of disability, bankruptcy or school closure.

Tips And Reminders

  • Apply early to ensure timely processing.
  • Ensure accurate and complete information.
  • Meet the minimum requirement.
  • Repay your loan to avoid penalties.
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In this article, we have discussed on the student loan portal, how to apply for student loans, benefits of student loans, required documents for approval and many more. The student loan portal is a vital resource for Nigerian students seeking financial assistance to pursue their higher education goals by providing a streamlined application process, flexible repayment options and competitive interest rate which aims to make education more accessible and affordable. With careful planning and management, it can help empower students reach their full potential and help contribute to Nigeria’s future growth and development.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How Long Does It Take To Process Student Loans?

Student loans application processing typically takes about 7 – 14 days.

2. Can I Apply For A Student Loan If I Have A Poor Credit Score?

You can apply for a student loan with a poor credit score, but you will be required to provide additional documentation or collateral.

3. What Happens If I Default On My Student Loan Repayment?

If you make a default on student loans repayment, it could lead to penalties, fees and negative credit reporting.

4. What Is The Interest Rate On Student Loans?

Interest rates on student loans varies depending on the loan option and the lender.

5. Can I Apply For A Student Loan If I’m Already In My Final Year?

Yes you can, but you may be asked to provide additional information such as proof of graduation or completion.

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