
Difference Between Left And Right Twix? Clarified Here

Discover The Similarities And Differences Between Left And Right Twix In This Article. 

Difference Between Left And Right Twix

Difference Between Left And Right Twix: Twix has to be one of the best chocolates produced by Mars Inc. if you are a Twix lover, I’ve got big news for you! Yes, you heard right. I have found out the difference between left and right Twix. Many people have constantly sought for the difference between  or if the left and right Twix chocolate are the same or different and I have just that information for you. Other people say that “right” means good while “left” means bad. How true is this? You’ll find out in this piece.

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Difference Between Left And Right Twix?

Ordinarily, the difference between left and right Twix can be hard to tell but we have gotten valid information from the producers of Twix itself. According to them, the right side is smooth caramel flowed onto crispy cookie and bathed chocolate while the left Twix is crunchy cookies cascaded with soft caramel and cloaked in milk chocolate.

The truth in the right sense is that these two descriptions are not any different from each other, except in actual writing. It is possible that these two grouping “left and right Twix” was done for people who enjoy grouping themselves or like to choose between things.

Another source claims that the left Twix begins as a cookie and then is covered in caramel and dipped in chocolate while the right Twix begins as a chocolate with a cookie stuffed inside it with a caramel to stop the cookie from breaking to pieces. This means that they are the same contents but are arranged differently depending on how you like yours.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. When Did Twix Start Doing Left And Right?

Twix began a campaign called the “Pick A Side” campaign in 2012 where a rivalry between the two sides of the Twix bar chocolate started. Both Tix bar is labelled “left” or “right” Twix which are very much identical.

2. What Does Twix Stand For?

Twix is short form for “Twin sticks” according to the company which is absolutely unbelievable to lovers of the chocolate because no one would have thought so.

3. What Was The Old Name For Twix?

Twix was called Raider in Austria, Belgium, Denmark and other countries in Europe.

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4. Is Twix A Bar Or Biscuit?

The fact is that Twix contains chocolate and biscuit. It should most likely be called a biscuit because it contains only 35% of chocolate.


The fact is just that both the left and right Twix have the exact ingredients but are different in the way they are made. So, whether you enjoy eating the left or the right Twix, you are eating exactly the same thing. What Twix is your favorite? We’ll love to find out, please let us know in the comment section down below.

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